Dear Brothers & Sisters.

Needed to finish my new book. Now, I am back.

Some miserable individual tried to ban my last report claiming I was disturbing their emotions with to much truth telling. For my core readers that meant, what, who or why?. Left,. worth mentioning; the Zionist`s is not ready for free speech, never will.

Happily I am a solid hanged, naturally equipped for striking back as long as wrong doing rules. Can´t stand it. Especially when a few heartless creeps seems to win orchestrating our peaceful human future. Not gone happen.

Europe is about to split up. The eastern oriented members will win building their fences against the muslim conquest. This itself giving fire for Great Britain leaving the European community (which I told you already in January -16). United States is entering the worst period ever in their short history. Their test phase has reached it`s end. Time to grow up. Trump won, (which I told you already in July -16). And this will hurt (sadly all of us). Reflect for a second. Their” DNA mainly consist`s of ours – the Europeans. At least the rulers.

Never forget, Donald is not a politician. He really believes he is doing the right thing for his country. The Zionists (spread around the western world on key political positions) enjoy their devil feast like never before. The new world order (actually very old) is played out according to plan and nobody seems to understand what`s up(?). Spain at last got a government and people there still don’t care. Manana in full blown posture. Who needs politicians? These professional liers only talking, not really working for improvement. Corruption charges all over Europe. That’s why its time changing to a legal dictator getting things done; like Trump. But, in Europe. Wow, news is fun again.

What`s up brothers and sisters.? Had to take some time off. Getting nuts feeling peoples pain not understanding what`s going on. I then realized, everybody knows but only a few believes they could make a difference. So, inspired by your silents I assembled this attempt.

First, for you who knows your passive stand. Fuck you for not caring about pure human values, civilization, future or honoring past history. Our world is entering it`s most sensitive phase. And, what are you doing? Continuing being a silent slave? Why are you not at least try to find the real agenda instead of staying lazy beyond reason.? Or, are you lost? Well, this might help.

There is no easy way. A real freedom walk is heavy. We are all fucked in the ass by the elite Zionists starting this last Armageddon wave by cracking up Libya. From then on, one State after the other has been dragged into hell. A symbolic tiny democracy been implemented quickly vanished into dust. Today, the hole middle east is on fire. And nobody can really explain why.

Fortunately I am still operating under the radar. Mossad started by killing Colonel Gaddafi. Israels protectors (Rothschild family & partners) owns global media blocking the truth efficiently being exposed to common people. These individuals search for trouble only for making money, expanding their power. Selling weapons, maintaining wars all over (simple as that). And if someone expresses the truth they are quickly called racist, antisemitism (in mainstream media). The oldest trick in the book. But, you know what(?). The literarian purity has to stay intellectually airborne. Otherwise it`s soon over & the Jew will eat your children within a couple of decay`s. And for those of you not believing me, I say. Beware. Look at Israel. Nobody likes them. Why? Hmm,. being the chosen people.(?), by an invisible God. Sure. *note, not all Israelis are bad, only the believers.

The United States had to choose between hell or more in last November. The process is rigged. There is no real choice (two party system, what a joke for a European cultivated elite). A totally corrupt woman or a megalomaniac house constructer. So, the best will be looking at their wingmen. Cause, when things gets hot one of them will be eliminated. And woops, number two is in the white house. The one with the smoothest CV will win the presidency. Mike Pence. What an Evangelist. The wall will be nothing compare with that guys secret Agenda.

Terrorist actions will soon be taped LIVE in YouTube. Before execution. The ones cynical enough sponsoring these upcoming deadly events will make a lot of money already within the next fiscal year. Moral is soon a lost venture. Please, never forget that overloaded boats, full of well paying refuges are still crossing the Mediterranean. Scandalous. Politicians doesn’t care to enlight this issue. Women and innocent children drowns into a dark deep sea. Something that say´s a lot about us as a specie. We are not nice, we need to be taught.

Is there a global solution.., for a healthy future?

For starters, stop looking the news (only The Five, Fox news). Start orient your ideals after real sane values. Read Schopenhauer, Russell, Goethe, Hitchens & Vidal initially. Stop eating shit food, instead get your body into balance, clean it up from all food industry poisons. And, just drop off from slavery. Stop veining and realize that the world is not shaped as we where told from childhood. It`s high time to discover our true nature.

We are the monsters. We are the bad energy finding its way into all corners of this plane planet. Words can only do so much when the frustration raises. Happiness is a relative experience balanced towards the beholders virtual capacity. With no education, things stays relative harmless. And this is what the elite wants, keep people ignorant and everything goes well. Hypnotized by virtual entertainment and digital money. If you accept this currency, victim you will stay. Remember, cash is King. And only a strong individual have the strength staying free. So, before hell gets lose; prepare yourself. If you refuse to vote, lay down your weapon as a soldier, stop playing a finance wolf, – not much can go wrong. Corrupt politicians then have no tools fighting their war./ Game over.

Stay healthy./SS











Dear reader.

When will it be as common as looking sports realizing that life should generally be about grieving death. Not until this insight has settled between our ears is there room enough to appreciate real happiness. I can only remember good times, not seeing them ahead. Guess, all the best moments always has passed. Mainly cause they don’t hurt. In these modern times country boarders are re-written, people still eats crap, NASA keeps on lying, bankers still being humanities biggest crooks, womanhood remaining it`s low self-esteem is futures most lethal recipe & Churchill at last. Still histories most misjudged looser. He was mediocre, no more.

Poor Arabians. Why isn’t the established media reflecting anything from the Armageddon still taking place on the Mediterranean Sea. Almost 1000 souls has died during the last 2 weeks. Disgrace for the United Nations not doing much. Only regional coast guards plus some humanitarian organizations is active. I say; all this shit happening is planned forcing a ever raising escalation. Coldly shrinking the human value base. Last year, over 90procent of all global headlines was covered by negative events. Not even 1procent mentioned anything being viewed as positive news. Cause it`s boring, not selling. How is this even possible having access to all religious bullshit spinning around the world in all different shapes & forms(?). Or, just because of that(?). One God, two, several. And? I am hungry.

Death is good business. Ask Kissinger, Cheney, Saddam, Stalin, Hitler, Patton, Marshall & Obama. Not many knows how Obama during his service has strengthen the Mexican boarder like no previous president. Why? Cause of the American liberal medias lack of reports (*controlled by the Zionists). Instead, keep the citizens ignorant. Ofcourse, it will all backfire already this week regardless of who wins in “the Americat“. Evil woman or a loose dick. Either way the reminisces of this charade will be enormous. To begin with a divided nation having no control mechanisms in place still having by far the most powerful military force on earth. Not looking good. If you have seen dolphins getting slaughtered you have tasted what`s coming up. This time it could be your neighbor.  Imagine when media stops reporting when the extermination begins.? Who will come and rescue incent people all around the world when the United States is crippled.? Russia? China? Think not. The land of dreams has converted to, the land of nightmares.

Some of you might still ask why an extermination will begin.? Well, wake up. Death is good business. And now when media has established a well written universal law that our Planet seems having an ongoing fever. Sea levels raising. The north pole will melt. Please, its all mental beta blockers. Do you think nature cares about what we do.? I know enough about carbon dioxide to figure out that so called scientific alarms are a hoax`s. That scientific branch is only securing their incomes. And, these arrogant politicians. In Europe and elsewhere, being feeded, clothed & nursed by us, the taxpayers. Then acting as if they actually matter. It`s a joke. Fire them all showing ignorant symptoms. Not alluding elected personal being rude when we pay their bills. Election my ass. As he says over there: its all rigged. Something I have been claiming far earlier than this so called democratic dictator in the west repeats weekly.

Prepare yourselves. All of you. Nobody will be spared. White as black, yellow as mellow. Red as green. All colors need to come to together as thinkers. Organize themselves against the bankers upcoming meltdown attack. When they begin to seal your accounts. When paper money is gone. When resistant viruses gets viral, when Beyoncé gets elected VP. Assange & Snowden are real heroes revealing small portions of the global world order. But, portrayed as crooks. Threaten with life sentences by their own government. A horror show. Only thinking of these mean fuckers like Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Rice & McClellan getting away with their atrocities. But, the worst of all. Punish these gentlemen doesn’t change the equation. Only makes a new generation guilty. And so it will continues until some lost worms are left crawling around in a forgotten forest somewhere in Alaska.

Why do I even write this? I have around five hundred readers steadily. But, in reference to my topics as well as my credentials it should be two zeros added in the end. And today I reflect for the first time. And, I believe its obvious. I am ugly, I only write to myself. I never choose topics for reaching popularity. No one has proven that earth is Spherical. Only claimed by childish evidence. Still this hoax continues poisoning new generations. And that we should be alone on this planet. They are all shit faces. No. Surrounding this disc are load`s of different species colonizing the same surface. And medical science. Why do you think all royals gets to live over 100years.? Cause they get treated by already known age preventing extracts. Simple. Their in the club.

So, what`s fun then? This: walking in shorts, barefooted on a sandy beach in twenty six degrees temperature, after six o`clock in the evening, knowing that a good meal is waiting served by a beautiful wife. Listening to a live concert by Brad Mehldau in Europe close to a five star Hotel. Swimming together with humpback whales in a clean ocean after emptying 8bottles of staropramen (for piing without guilt). Standing in the darkness on a mountain top feeling how big snowflakes melts in my hair. Sitting in on a Swissair business class flight taking off from Singapore leaving for home in Zurich. And while zipping on a single malt glenfiddich, looking up at the stars knowing quite well, that for all they care, I can go to hell.

Do as more than 30000 before you. Punch up the volume and listen to my audio confession

Stay healthy






Dear reader,

Don`t worry, it`s all going to hell.

For saving some time and express “how” things really are I say: shouldn`t we European`s regret deeply that we once wanted to colonize that huge continent in the west(?). Now we get in return what we deserve. A gang of lost generations only interested in dreams, greed & violence. Nothing has changed since the 1700s. Well, perhaps less horses, more debts and weapons seen everywhere.

So, why even bother? I tell you why. Cause death is the only guaranty for brutal honesty to be heard. Knowing that time is limited secures the need of leveling the truth. Sure, people are shaped differently based on linguistics, education, social status but they will all die sooner or later. And in the United states of error, it seems sooner than later. What a bunch of idiots. How can they aloud such a debacle as this election charade.? Look at the alternatives. One obvious clown, never able to spread safety by his nature. He is a smiling market man, nothing else. And that woman. This since decays full blown killer. She is never nice by nature, only when the camera in on. Is that the price for putting a woman in the oval office? Voting for a cold bitch.? Then the pastor. The only one in the group closest to qualifying moving close to the nuclear button is Pence. This guy is solid but boring as a wall. Finally, the Donald. His life is on its last leg. Therefore he is going for it, trying to conquer it all. Embracing the American dream like no one before him. And believe me, he will never adapt to democratic rules. If corned, he will push the button.

For those of you just waking up to reality I will give you some intellectual ammunition. Putin is the best guaranty for global political stability. As a central European citizen I am grateful having him around. Around, not within. Big difference. Capitalism works perfect only in Switzerland. The by far most bloody civil war country existing in Europe. Not many knows this fact. Past battles behind every mountain. That’s why I am blessed. Austria will shortly try catching up by voting Norbert Hofer for president. Securing the boarders as you say now days. Merkel will recover. Cause, Germany is not ready for moving into more political shaky grounds. Not yet, but they will. And when this happens humanity will be pleased. Cause, by then “the United states of error”, will be in absolutely chaos. All ethnic & social groups will fight both in media as well as streets.

China is waiting. China knows (*we are the biggest populations on earth). We will finally conquer, everything. Japan will do their best preventing that. It`s like it`s always been, a patriarchal global game. Regardless of where on the plane(t). Australia will be the last place on earth for humanity to enjoy their feast. I guess, what I am trying to say is, it`s time to revaluate ourselves as a specie. We are bad creatures. We need rules to act civilized. We can`t expand without wars. We eat dogs, we kill mother earth, we slaughter dolphins. Thousands of people have already died in the Mediterranean sea this year without anyone really caring. And if they do it needs to be within the framework of being a hero. Otherwise its not worth it.

I am a behaviorist. I analyze, look for clues. And I still claim what I have done since the 80s. The mayor reason for all bullshit viewed around the world raises from a social destructive aspect – the Zionist agenda. It has one purpose. Destroy all balance, create chaos. Then grab the ultimate power and enslave each and everyone of us. And part of this venture we all witness in the election show coming up, the 8th of November. Regardless of who wins, humanity loses.

Therefore to keep up, stay happy, be healthy you need start thinking as a loser. With nothing to lose, with a short hand, not much time left, appreciate small things, discover your greatness within as a biological creature, as a thinker, as a neighbor, friend, parent, nationalist, woman, man, chef, fully functional human being or not. You have to wake up, and tell it as it is. At least to yourself. Real peace can only be achieved peacefully. With patience, respect, by words, over time, with trust, without religious influences, only as a human phenomena, separated, isolated term, reflecting yourself as a true winner, alone. Without needing to be evaluated, seen or recognized. Just by being truly decent. A walking empathy. And if you know you can`t, don’t do nothing. Don’t actively destroy. Sit on your ass together with your closest and no harm will be done. Become an active pacifist, without profane believes. A real human being taking stand for humanity. Not being swept away by blind greed, hyped collectivism.

Anyway, no problem. It will soon be over. The real rulers will be left alone with some bacterial culture. Not for us, no fun. Instead, chill. Read Hitchens,  Heller, Vonnegut, Miller &  Amis. Listen to Carlin & put some music on; Thad Jones,. And when the candle light is burned out listen to my confession. I am by nature as You, always pure & brutal.

Finally, don’t be boring. Subscribe on my reports.

Stay Healthy






Dear Reader.

Are you also tired of all endless oral nonsense sweeping around the world..? Almost everyone seems to breath their fear about what direction we are heading. The question is what you are doing preventing this collective toxic moodiology from succeeding poisoning humanity? /Everyone would if they could, I am sure/. But, ofcourse nearby lure this traumatized curse, “how to live life as we are told”(?), which clearly seems easier said than done. On top people in general believes that their brilliant theories never will penetrate the ignoramous thick media filter controlled by a bunch of “superficial souls afraid of being fired” faces. Driven by greed harassing us daily through TV`s, various kind of screens & mobile gadgets. Hell in color.

From spiritual despair folks chooses drinking, abuse, working more (than ever) pushing their numb apathy ahead. Bare in mind that the ones behind the cameras, publishers as well as columnists are as guilty as the visual monsters running their “man made” agenda. How these individuals are able managing their life`s and also playing an active roll unleashing this collective meltdown we are all witnessing, is beyond my belief.? Nevertheless I say. Just because someone chooses not hiding behind “super natural religious thought systems”, or alcohol & medicines, doesn’t mean that he/she can`t feel frustration enough shaping a provocative experiment in the name of “plain sense & classic integrity“.

My God is personal. It lives within my blood veins. It effects everything I do, think, done & will do. I love my inner God. Cause “it” belongs to everyone, everything that is considered alive, unconditionally inspires me to dream on, miraculously spins microcells through my body carrying knowledge since the beginning of time, past as forthcoming. Please, we are all paradise itself within. All you need is listening to yourself.

So, on the contrary the ones wishing for, acting or obviously physically moving towards the destruction of humanity in any form or shape should easily be labeled “evil”. But, I prefer focusing in finding an “inspiring thought model” revealing mutual conditions for managing life in general*. Clarifying reasons for needing moral choices facing our daily show. Also urging getting close as a social creature interacting within a respectful recipe working for all of us.

I have written this report asking you regardless of skin color, religious conviction, gender or social background to enter a experimental competition pool aiming finding, – the dictator. This intellectual upraise can be seen as slightly demonstrative. Meaning, that only English spoken people can attend admitting their yes to sanity & no to madness (seven step selective voting process). Based on all answers subjects & themes will take turns & gradually strengthen the question pool becoming more delicate, detailed and specific. In coordination with the logical conclusive processes evolving over time. And with more people engaging in the gamepool our chances immensely improves summarizing the final results into a “people choice” petition aimed for the United Nation. Before the last inferno unleashes.

I am a man of many books with ambitions to enlighten your inner leader. Show the trick how to maintain a healthy representative within while our Global surrounding continuously speeding fanatically. Although still capable of vaporize viciousness & arrogance embracing dignity for the decent earning their keeps. Finally, will the society system under a winning dictator be a Matriarchy.? Hmm, let`s find out.

If you could change the world, where would you start.?



Thanks. Please, after voting LIKE, SHARE & TWEET this report to all your friends giving them a chance becoming – the best dictator.

*IMPORTANT: for being informed next time(stage 2.), FOLLOW ME at the bottom of this page.

Stay Healthy.

















Dear Readers,.
Proven. It´s the Y-chromosome that makes the difference. In this little tiny whiny chemical substance rests the secret. Our creator threw that last evolution gene into the recipe cause she needed some fun. No more, no less. The feminine Goddess gave finally in for her biggest worry, not being entertained. So, she created men by adding the cell IDIOT – Initial Dead Infected Oral Tick. In other words, a specie constructed for mostly delivering crap out from it`s mouth. And as we know messages and action goes hand in hand. Said and done. Hell was born on two legs.

This creature learned fast fighting with fists, draw lines, create rules, leaving dishes, pissing outside the toilet, creating money, wearing ties, making up group sex, hitting women, making bombs, and bigger bombs, killing for fun, rig elections, making babies, arrive to late, drinking wrong substances, inventing drugs, commit adultery, shooting other people frequently, also wearing skirts, fucking assholes, fucking animals, paying politicians, construct banks without cash, becoming serial killers, selling stuff with no value, invent slave work, make up Gods, building churches, burning down churches, extinct other creatures for gaining power, crying in silence for having made up stupid laws, then breaking the law, being snobbery by adding Sir before family names, measuring dicks, corrupting nations, lying to wife`s, hitting children, invent private schools, use their luxury yacht`s two weeks per year claiming having no time, admire anger, eating liver and ofcourse always thinking knowing everything better than any other living man.

Being a communist means that you like to gain power in a system that uses man labor as a political tool. Being a fascist means that you want to kill the communist leaders and tell the labors that your control model is more efficient & honest. Being a male actor means imagen anything before getting real. And being a father only means keeping the guilt alive, being alive. Having a penis and being in a TV show every Tuesday is the same as being a Manhor. Men are spending their worries on cars. Women still prefers to be driven. Men are angry, women silent. Women are beautiful, men are stronger. Men sweet more, women look even better closer to boiling point.

Climbing the highest mountains in the world is done by men. And then they fall down. Men dives into the deepest oceans then drowning. Men flies over the skies for finally crashing. And during all these events women suffer on distance.

Finally women will be alone when all men has exterminate themselves. But, no worries ladies. You will have control over superior sperm stocks. Leaving the essence after a few super men having realized that the best thing being a man is the beauty loving women.

The rest remains a Initial Dead Infected Oral Tick -*IDIOT

Stay Healthy/



Hi Readers,
We are all living in times of worries. Don’t we.? Or, so they claim.?

An upcoming Austrian right wing ruler, Norbert Hofer. Or, why not “The Donald”, perhaps soon voted new President of the United States of Error. Madame, Le Pen having her most successful political times ahead of her (spring 2017). Angela Merkel soon replaced by a far more colder “reichskanzler“. But, the only reason why this illusion of uncertain times exist (illusionary) early autumn 2016 is, the way Global Press, News and Entertainment industry chooses to portrait our World of today.

But, nothing could be more wrong. Look at “Brexit”, this, the biggest political scam ever. All rigged, cheaters won, the british people lost. This election in itself will divide Europe long term. Create flames for strict borders. Guess who is behind all this? The few not needing boarders. The elite living above it all. Never needing to think about health issues, travel costs, expenses, fulfilling dreams or implementing all thinkable dreams in reality. In other words; the few which rules the world & controls media.

This infected media agenda is orchestrated by forces having one thing in common; the manipulators themselves are all Zionist`s & basically elite Jews. The final & only element threatening a otherwise peaceful world. Without them the world would be a smooth place. To reveal it simple. Mossad initiated, the destruction of Colonel Gadaffi. The rest just became a political bomb, – the Arabic spring. So, again who is behind Europe needing to struggle with houndred of thousands of immigrants fleeing to Europe? Guess yourself.

It`s of outmost importance that all of You realize that I have nothing personal against one Jew. *But, he or she has to be a non-believer, cause in the same second they are not, they become a legal human enemy based on scripture, believing they are superior. As many of you know, this is not enough on my map. For those of you who doesn’t believe me read the scripture of Torah. Facts are that I have protected some thin Jews during my student years on private schoolyards. Always had a soft heart for suppressed people. Although, within International journalism a non-partisan political & economic high note must rule. An absolute neutrality reporting spirit. These ethics are unfortunately dead today and therefore needs to be revalidated.

We are all facing a complete change of world order only within a few upcoming months. Tick tack, Austria presidential elections, Trump versus Clinton and away it all goes. Therefore, I willingly risk my impeccable track record both as a historian and behaviorist claiming the necessity for a good human life condition, by saying; the Global media management groups must be replaced.

Surely I will be accused for many things enlightening the forces behind the ongoing social Armageddon. But, I prefer giving you a chance finding out yourself in what way these power groups compromises the upcoming risk of a human downfall. Follow up on my information yourself. Laziness has never been sexy. If telling you the truth means that I will be accused for being a racist. Then, so it will be. Cause, now it ends. I can`t look at the news anymore. It`s disgustingly angled, cheating the viewer to look “the other way“. Away from where the real atrocities are created or in full flames. In homes where the Hebrews normally has changed their last name. A Larry King from a Ziegler, a Natalie Portman from a Herschlag. The Zionist list is endless.

First step: These individuals must be replaced, for re-creating a healthy balance within the global media mechanisms. New CEOs should be a no-religious elite which has no connection whatsoever to any Zionist or Jewish conglomerate . Starting with MORTIMER ZUCKERMAN, owner of NY Daily News, US News & World Report and chair of the Conference of Presidents of Major Jewish American Organizations, one of the largest pro-Israel lobbying groups.
LESLIE MOONVES, president of CBS television, great-nephew of David Ben-Gurion, and co-chair with Norman Ornstein of the Advisory Committee on Public Interest Obligation of Digital TV Producers, appointed by Clinton.
JONATHAN MILLER, chair and CEO of AOL division of AOL-Time-Warner. NEIL SHAPIRO, president of NBC News..
JEFF GASPIN, Executive Vice-President, Programming, NBC.

DAVID WESTIN, president of ABC News. SUMNER REDSTONE, CEO of Viacom, “world’s biggest media giant” (Economist, 11/23/2) owns Viacom cable, CBS and MTVs all over the world, Blockbuster video rentals and Black Entertainment TV.

MICHAEL EISNER, major owner of Walt Disney, Capitol Cities, ABC. RUPERT MURDOCH, Owner Fox TV, New York Post, London Times, News of the World (Jewish mother). MEL KARMAZIN, president of CBS. DON HEWITT, Exec. Director, 60 Minutes, CBS. JEFF FAGER, Exec. Director, 60 Minutes II. CBS  DAVID POLTRACK, Executive Vice-President, Research and Planning, CBS. SANDY KRUSHOW, Chair, Fox Entertainment.
LLOYD BRAUN, Chair, ABC Entertainment. BARRY MEYER, chair, Warner Bros. SHERRY LANSING. President of Paramount Communications and Chairman of Paramount Pictures’ Motion Picture Group. HARVEY WEINSTEIN, CEO. Miramax Films.

BRAD SIEGEL., President, Turner Entertainment. PETER CHERNIN, second in-command at Rupert Murdoch’s News. Corp., owner of Fox TV. MARTY PERETZ, owner and publisher of the New Republic, which openly identifies itself as pro-Israel. Al Gore credits Marty with being his “mentor.” ARTHUR O. SULZBERGER, JR., publisher of the NY Times, the Boston Globe and other publications. WILLIAM SAFIRE, syndicated columnist for the NYT. TOM FRIEDMAN, syndicated columnist for the NYT.

CHARLES KRAUTHAMMER, syndicated columnist for the Washington Post. Honored by Honest, website monitoring “anti-Israel media.” RICHARD COHEN, syndicated columnist for the Washington Post. JEFF JACOBY, syndicated columnist for the Boston Globe. NORMAN ORNSTEIN, American Enterprise Inst., regular columnist for USA Today, news analyst for CBS, and co-chair with Leslie Moonves of the Advisory Committee on Public Interest Obligation of Digital TV Producers, appointed by Clinton. ARIE FLEISCHER, Dubya’s press secretary. STEPHEN EMERSON, every media outlet’s first choice as an expert on domestic terrorism.

DAVID SCHNEIDERMAN, owner of the Village Voice and the New Times network of “alternative weeklies.” DENNIS LEIBOWITZ, head of Act II Partners, a media hedge fund. KENNETH POLLACK, for CIA analysts, director of Saban Center for Middle East Policy, writes op-eds in NY Times, New Yorker. BARRY DILLER, chair of USA Interactive, former owner of Universal Entertainment.. KENNETH ROTH, Executive Director of Human Rights Watch. RICHARD LEIBNER, runs the N.S. Bienstock talent agency, which represents 600 news personalities such as Dan Rather, Dianne Sawyer and Bill O’Reilly.

TERRY SEMEL, CEO, Yahoo, former chair, Warner Bros. MARK GOLIN, VP and Creative Director, AOL. WARREN LIEBERFORD, Pres., Warner Bros. Home Video Div. of AOL- TimeWarner. JEFFREY ZUCKER, President of NBC Entertainment. JACK MYERS, NBC, chief.NYT 5.14.2. SANDY GRUSHOW, chair of Fox Entertainment. GAIL BERMAN, president of Fox Entertainment
STEPHEN SPIELBERG, co-owner of DreamWorks. JEFFREY KATZENBERG, co-owner of DreamWorks. DAVID GEFFEN, co-owner of DreamWorks. LLYOD BRAUN, chair of ABC Entertainment. JORDAN LEVIN, president of Warner Bros. Entertainment. MAX MUTCHNICK, co-executive producer of NBC’s “Good Morning Miami”

DAVID KOHAN, co-executive producer of NBC’s “Good Morning Miami”. HOWARD STRINGER, chief of Sony Corp. of America. AMY PASCAL, chair of Columbia Pictures. JOEL KLEIN, chair and CEO of Bertelsmann’s American operations. ROBERT SILLERMAN, founder of Clear Channel Communications. BRIAN GRADEN, president of MTV entertainment. IVAN SEIDENBERG, CEO of Verizon Communications.

WOLF BLITZER, host of CNN’s Late Edition. LARRY KING, host of Larry King Live. TED KOPPEL, host of ABC’s Nightline. ANDREA KOPPEL, CNN Reporter. PAULA ZAHN, CNN Host. MIKE WALLACE, Host of CBS, 60 Minutes. BARBARA WALTERS, Host, ABC’s 20-20. MICHAEL LEDEEN, editor of National Review.
BRUCE NUSSBAUM, editorial page editor, Business Week. DONALD GRAHAM, Chair and CEO of Newsweek and Washington Post, son of. CATHERINE GRAHAM MEYER, former owner of the Washington Post.

HOWARD FINEMAN, Chief Political Columnist, Newsweek. WILLIAM KRISTOL, Editor, Weekly Standard, Exec. Director.  Project for a New American Century (PNAC)..RON ROSENTHAL, Managing Editor, San Francisco Chronicle. PHIL BRONSTEIN, Executive Editor, San Francisco Chronicle, RON OWENS, Talk Show Host, KGO (ABC-Capitol Cities, San Francisco). JOHN ROTHMAN, Talk Show Host, KGO (ABC-Capitol Cities, San Francisco).
MICHAEL SAVAGE, Talk Show Host, KFSO (ABC-Capitol Cities, San Francisco) Syndicated in 100 markets. MICHAEL MEDVED, Talk Show Host, on 124 AM stations. DENNIS PRAGER, Talk Show Host, nationally syndicated from LA. Has Israeli flag on his home page. BEN WATTENBERG, Moderator, PBS Think Tank.
ANDREW LACK, president of NBC. DANIEL MENAKER, Executive Director, Harper Collins. DAVID REMNICK, Editor, The New Yorker. NICHOLAS LEHMANN, writer, the New York

HENRICK HERTZBERG, Talk of the Town editor, The New Yorker.
SAMUEL NEWHOUSE JR, and DONALD NEWHOUSE own Newhouse Publications, includes 26 newspapers in 22 cities; the Conde Nast magazine group, includes The New Yorker; Parade, the Sunday newspaper supplement; American City Business Journals, business newspapers published in more than 30 major cities in America; and interests in cable television programming and cable systems serving 1 million homes.

DONALD NEWHOUSE, chairman of the board of directors, Associated Press. PETER R KANN, CEO, Wall Street Journal, Barron’s. RALPH J. & BRIAN ROBERTS, Owners, Comcast-ATT Cable TV. LAWRENCE KIRSHBAUM, CEO, AOL-Time Warner Book Group.

I underline the importance of a non-violence policy for re-instate a healthy global media power structure. Only supported by a logic argumentative ideology can a fairly neutrally reflective journalism be exposed/declared.

Facts: that no more than 0,2% of humanity (the Jewish population being approx. 15million) should dominate Global media channels, and strongly impacting general awareness/communication between individuals worldwide is plainly wrong & unbalanced.

Prepare yourself and try staying healthy. Remember, if voting is not enough. You can always stay off.grid.

Sean Suile




Dear Reader..

Third World War has already begun. So, I guess You need to calibrate.

Santa Claus, Saint Nicholas, Saint Nick, Father ChristmasSanty, or simply Santa is a figure with legendary, folkloric origins who, in most Western cultures, is said to bring gifts to the homes of good children on 24th of December. The modern figure of Santa Claus is derived from the British figure of Father Christmas and the historical Greek bishop from the gift-giver of Myra. During the Christianization of Germanic Europe, this figure may also have absorbed elements of the God Odin, associated with the Germanic pagan midwinter event of Yule (the Wild Hunt), a ghostly like procession through the sky. What a mish mash(?). Fantasy world seems needed. Well, like always. When people stop thinking they become idealists. A cold head is therefore more important than a warm heart.


How can I be guilty giving away my view? How can I be considered “von oben” only reflecting my thoughts.? How can I feel happy looking at the world of 2016? Tell you. Cause I know. I know why people get stressed, why people get irritated, why people need gossip, coming angry for wrong reasons. Why a specific language tends to limit both emotions & potential linguistics seen technical. Why we compare, why we rarely get satisfied, lying for getting along, staying loyal to the illusionary world instead of disconnect and go along with the real walk. Hypnotized by dream wishes, following in the foot steps of lazy pacifism. Preferring believing life is forever knowing its not. No. This time of the year everyone should realize death is our only,. dear friend. Deal with it.

During Christmas season some specific.tracks are asked for; Bing Crosby, Dean Martin, Wham, Triad, Jill Johnson and some religious crap. Good souls should continue being grateful; there are more idiots than crooks in the world, otherwise these thieves wouldn’t have anything profiting from. We have reached the highpoint. The average American family will spend 830 dollars on gifts. Almost back to the year of 2007 numbers. Literary proof of consumed worries. Like a salad. Big head, small root. We will never learn.


Cause this time next year either Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump is soon the President of the United States of Error. This big, out of control “Monster of a continent” will be in the hand of either a well known Megalomaniac billionaire., or a totally corrupt woman hating men. What a future prospect(?) And both worshipped by a nation where almost 2/3 of all citizens believe in the story of Adam & Eve. If this scenario is not worse than hell, tell me. Until then. Let`s make tomorrow another day.

I prefer Italy. At least they are honest people with a enormous historical experience. Imagen having over 50million actors around. And the least talent ones working in the theater. Having created Roman “justice“, spaghetti & the mafia made Italy for what it is today. The only political democracy in Europe able reacting without having a government. Personally I love three things Made in Italy. Lucio Dalla music, Claudio Magris & Tuscany. Plus that only Italians prefers driving the car from the TVsofa to bed. That’s why they are not equipped for war. For that; and only that, I love Italy.



And as usual “the further” away from the original, the more spectacular ideas turns out. Here, (above) the Japanese Santa. He gives gifts to Ocean inhabitants. Beautiful.


Take a good look. What is the best Christmas gift 2015? Sure, the sleep mask? I recommend all of you to purchase one asap. Begin sleeping deeper than ever before. Searching for your best dream. Keeping the light out makes the attempt far more effective. Our brain needs darkness while resting. Once turned On it requires all available energy. Next year we will have full of flying objects in the skies. Next year more truth about our world and further secrets (by a few) will be exposed. And, I will continue reflect my cold view in warm light. Cause that’s what Mama said. A wise man always let`s a woman get the last word. That’s why Hillary Clinton will win the Worlds most powerful political position 12 months from now. Closing the last puzzle creating the best world order in the history of mankind; – the Matriarchy Sisters  Angela Merkel & Hillary Clinton.

The MC sisters will do what all macho predecessors failed doing, reveal the Zionists. Free the human spirit for real. Tell us who made us, replace the Monetary system, show us that Antarctica is the Worlds outer ring. Truly being no mans land facing eternity (guarded with military surveillance). That all aliens living among us are peaceful, and the scary ones not able hurting us. They don’t act within the same frequency field and on top don’t consider us being the enemy. These Ladies will also reveal how to heal us all from cancer. Our elite science groups already knows. Slowly but surely things will come to light. Among many, Wernher von Braun`s secrets, all on paper. We create these UFOs flying around. We know the trick how to get invisible. We already knows how to fly by the Speed of light. And the reason why they will tell us is; cause they are mothers. Eternal, & not afraid. Only they can safe humanity from ourselves. A woman., and they know.


I will enjoy Christmas in true peace far away from Jesus. Prefer Buddha by my side. No lies. No Stigma. No sell. Just pure human passion. Without language and prestige. Only grace,. grateful for miraculous adventures. Thanks for sharing.

*A man gets wiser by experience. A woman by age.


Stay Healthy
















Dear Reader.

I love life. Took a while. Wish you the same. Cause when things comes too fast it`s not “joy able” as we say at the porno club.

The point is limits. Living fully asks for a break. After increasing troubles seemingly all over our Plane I have gone into seclusion. Need a new angle. As things are now, no fun. Too painful. Ban the evening news and modern souls would heal quickly.

It seems not enough Global media having fever they still choose standing barefooted in a cold attic. Says everything. Superficial people. So, you should be kind to yourself this Christmas. More than ever. Cause next year Trump can rule the world. Then fun really begins. Not even the super Jews will be able to stop that one. But, no worries. If it comes to that, DT will be shot.

Life should be fun otherwise decisions Is wrongly made. Tick tack, time flies. Look around you. Think. Who is not with you anymore(?). Any family member? Friend? Animal? Friend of a friend? It doesn’t matter. Life is short and painful. You are still here. And how do you honor that?

Myself. I will go to IKEA and buy myself a typical Nordic Christmas dish. I left my old cold country last millennium but around Christmas I still get weak. Traditions runs deep. One “absolut vodka“, some stinking fish and bread you could build houses with requires to be swallowed.

Recently I have started to worry about getting to boring even for myself. I live my days as if I was walking within a classic movie. Everything is planned and executed with great results. My only concern for Monday is that I need a new pair of shoe strings. Hmm(?)


This is my all she singed in my LateBloomerLab-studio a few years back. Caroline Chevin. She has a great voice. Other than that this time of the year I accept an Eco from the past a short while. Its needed to reflect upon what has passed. Thereby its so much more fun to aim for new spectacles. Next year its showtime like never before. I will release a legacy package full of books, music, videos and digital features. I hope to Breath wisely.

Last fifteen years I have constructed my own beds. I figure that if I spend at least thirty percent of my life together with a product, I should at least know what`s best for me. When I was finished studying the issue it was clear – I do my own. So, first. My bed is heavy. Means, I can enjoy activities in it. My bed is moveable. Means, its easy to clean underneath. My bed is high. I enter, by stepping up, not down. Provides a good feel. When I sleep I have access to the best air circulation in the room. The air temperature gives my body system best conditions for great dreams. Also preventing me catching unnecessary cold. Down under the air is to cold & “windy”. My bed has a huge mattress. My bed has so many pillows that I have lost count. My bed is equipped with light inside, plus timer. So, when I enter my bedroom late night my bed facility enlightens me. Small white spot all around gives a luxurious atmosphere. Happy for free.


Good times are done. In general I might add. We are getting to many. People getting more stressed by the hour. People are still building house blocks in insufficient ways. Some will collapse. Our water is getting poisoned. Reliable tax payers will die alone in their beds. Small children is being used for working, slave trade and sexual use. Animals are being killed by the thousands for pleasure. And there is no Santa Claus. Even at Christmas. And men think they are more important than women. And women starts to buy more weapons for protecting themselves against – men.

A fat German bankster buys a big Yacht and starts to cry when the toilet gets clogged by his own shit. Tom doesn’t make it home from school in time. His new pants is soured by urine. Not his own. Mandy explained to her teacher with a pitched voice that her Uncle died yesterday. Motorcycle accident in the garage. He was a movie producer in the Porno industry. The French president has chlamydia. His driver has no clue.

Christmas should inspire us that its not always the results from a great achievement that brings values to a person. More that he/she had the guts going for it in the first place. Someone will break a leg before dinner tomorrow. Lets think about that. Hurts. Grass is growing very much this time of the year, in Spain. It burns in Australia. Milk is not what is was fifty years ago. Greed was then not as explored between the producer ear(s). Today its more sugar than actual milk. Yes. Sad.


Remind yourself that goodness starts within creating respect for yourself. So, how are we fixing that before Christmas? My plan is simple. I will take a long walk in my town. Palma is a superficial total. Offers a great ambient expression. Then lifting some weights until its a challenge opening a door. Then a long shower followed by a fire in the chimney. Turning up The Stars (Bowie) in my studio while looking for a new Rebel source making me humble and calm. When Christopher Hitchens was alive, no problem. But, nowdays its not that easy. He was brilliant. Missed.

God is not dead. He/she/it just taking a siesta until y2020. We need to learn from our mistakes. The newly signed World Environmental agreement in Paris as a kick off choosing to believe things will improve. Stretching beyond is waste of thought. And finally to all men. Remember that women is the only Christmas gift that raps itself.

Stay Healhty








Dear Reader.

Democracy is driven by common ignorance. Ofcourse it gets chaotic.

I was born in the fifties. Then we were 2.8billion people in circulation. This year closing up to 7.1billion. A house having the measurements of 6x6x6 meter (high, deep and wide) fits about 7.1billion rice grains. That’s a lot of grains. All needing a toilet. Its complicated.

A true democrat wishing to hear the other ones opinion. Experiencing a election defeat means accepting the result and go on with life in a civilized manner. That’s the name of the democratic game. Patience, education & respect. When you pledge for rain you have to expect mod. Reminding yourself hoping for the best, still preparing for the worst. Cause only ideas stays peaceful. History is violent.


Some alternative reflections. I know I cant expect my fellow humans always understanding my perspectives. Still I love to share my views sending some hope, trust and inspiration. I mean, adding more ignorance doesn’t prevent the reader from thinking for him/herself. There are so many false predictions poisoning our minds. That we are living on a globe. That we all originates from apes. That there is no aliens. That there is no such thing as gravity. That Einstein calculated his relativity theory in a context where he didn’t stand a chance getting it right. That our food producers poisons both our lunches as well as dinners. That the pharmaceutical industry only has one air, blocking our individual consciousness. And these laws always limiting the free will.

In Saudi Arabia women are not aloud to drive cars. A society who legitimate shit like this can never be socially integrated into European values. We all need to be careful. Really. Stopping any sick minded terror ideology. Young men growing up wearing bed sheets around their bodies used to hitting women are the same kind that slowly builds up their hate in immigrant camps all around Europe. Don’t be naïve. There is an agenda much bigger than the one you daily hear on the news. One that wants war. Setting our western world on fire. For the real chefs taking over. This will not happen as long as “the good people” stays together. We are to many. We only need to, wake up. Accepting No more sagas. Where we are pushed be/living within a thriller risking becoming a horror tale before Christmas. Say No. Truth is beautiful, nothing else should interfere.

Most of us dies cause of the way we live our life. Myself, I am not afraid of dying, I just don’t want to be around when it happens. And this is the mayor reasons behind our mutual continuous mistakes. Fear makes us weak, lose good visions. Locking us inside our mental prison. We are all a part of everything we can imagen exists. We are all a nanobiological machine electrified by integrated circuits in our neural cortex. That’s what we really are. It`s a joke calling ourselves human beings. Fuck Newton. Fuck Einstein. The new time has arrived. Its all about signals. Our collective consciousness connect us all regardless of skin color. We feel when things are wrong.


Together we can also think away all problems occurring in Sandland (middle east area). Think clearly what kind of contracts that pleases both parts. Help the religious warriors getting some real “mojo” recognizing their fears. Yes, we love dancing through the night. Smoking, drinking, fucking. Making money for nothing. Having no God, only dreams. Being superficial. Wearing after shave. Driving sports cars and big city jeeps for no reason. Sail in huge boats screaming to each other. Swinging sticks on green fields with small holes. Having a coffee looking at beautiful people just passing by. We are destructive creatures. Hallelujah.

Experience raises our wiseness but doesn’t diminish our foolishness. That’s why I will keep on writing my reports hoping you will agree. Wishing that you will help me, help you by sharing my reports hugely. Strong minds discuss ideas, average minds discuss events, weak minds discuss people. So. We already knows how to travel by the speed of light. We have created anti-gravity. We will never be aloud to travel into Universe until we have shown our Masters that we can stay peaceful as a specie. But, becoming a peaceful place we first need to eliminate our real enemy, the Zionists. The ones calling anyone “anti-Semite”, pointing the light in their direction. Or, we don’t need to do anything. Just put on the TV and take a drink.

Learning is the only process the mind never exhausts, never fears, and never regrets. And its high time around Christmas unlocking your low vibrations blocking pure heart impulses. Connect to true intelligent frequencies reminds our body about its own natural lovely home feel. Cause not much around us is as we have been told since childhood. We are more than singular, passive one cellular awareness. Opposite, we have access to knowledge inside of us revealing everything. Thanks to our brain being the Universe. The only think we have to start with is disconnect from the old believe systems. Close your eyes and listen to the rhythm of your heart and begin a new journey. Show yourself that every day, every hour is every imaginable version of Paradise.

Stay Healthy









Dear Reader.
This weekend we are all on the same side. Lonely communists, commonly pissed pussies as well as dirty stiffed “duckies“. Ofcourse, if you are thrilled repairing socks keep on carving. Only Mr.Mayor Congressional Lier, might disagree with my unusually soft mood. This will be my first and last attempt pleasing ignorance. As a relief Christmas is moving in with more shit than ever. So, no cause for alarm. Although, before hell brakes lose I felt we all needed some superficial laughter (if possible?). As known, only vulgare mouths risks drowning in the shower.

I must say that the appreciation from all reactions during the last two weeks has inspired enormously. My words seems spicy enough inspiring even strangers willingly joining this pissing contest. Therefore, today I launch my awareness with more conviction than ever. Unleashing hidden tricks, arguments, visions, recipes, knowledge, brutality stained in love. Obliged for hunters given away to sheep`s.

Past week I have witnessed a blame game on the official arena. Big papers in Europe, radio & TV channels reflecting mostly crap aspects in painful shadows of the latest terror waves. Drained in shame. As some of you know I have recently reported about my “final solution“. An advice seemingly to efficient for the untouchables. Among one of the many fuckers that after 17seconds on the action screen ordered the shoot down of the sky warriors from Moscow. Provoking The vodka team that can solve the “middle east” fires within fifty hours. Without emotions but with sense. IOW, totally cold as was should be conducted. Instead they were stabbed in the back by the ones hiding behind administrations, behind personal guards, behind profitable apanage. Especially these Turkish idiots should be placed on a plain field in front of him above(*picture). Big C is my new love. Imagen standing in front of him under the warm sun, without a car to hide in, without a weapon at hand. On equal terms so to speak. Just standing there barefooted on naked earth. I guess all of us would feel alive. Let me introduce Cecil.

You see the way he looks at you (?). Only a creature knowing he is in charge views reality like that. This “perfection of creature” was executed by a luxury dentist from California living by similar standards as characters ruling in Governmental corridors. By terms only cowards knows – full hand, loaded with options. When Cecil was executed thousands of us lost a bit of our collective spirit without knowing it. That’s the way it works. We all lose hope when big spirits gets lost. Remember the old devise(?) – hope for the best, prepare for the worst. Its contradistinction. Like only courage can defeat the dominator.

The fourth world is currently making impact into the most civilized corner of our plane(t). How is this possible.? Please, think. How.? Cause, some shroud tactical offensive brains has planted this idea(?). No doubt. Look how we live(?). We have most things everyone can ask for (at least in Europe). Enough to eat, roof over our heads. Heat in winter. Cloths and gadgets. Usually time left over for our loved ones. And still we suffer, feeling worries. Cause a few has decided (based on hate most of us don’t know exists) to make war on our patient, peaceful earned way of life. But, all this terror needs to be put in a bigger context.

Time for some visual fact. The most single handed evidence of true terror state history. If you are sensitive, preferring viewing reality through sun glasses, stop reading now. What I am about to show you is political terrorist state consequence. Our worlds most obvious, fucked up action in the name of a national state. View & absorb.




During my childhood I was wobbling through private schools and had to interact experiencing unfair battles on school yards. I stood up. I prevented mobbing for real. Feeling only liberation providing protection. According to the same agenda played out fifty years later, “how real politics works” ano2015. Beat or be eaten. I wonder why nobody writes, reports about this fact. Their representatives owns media(?). Probably.

People are mostly shaped mentally bad. Thanks to extreme creative innovation the fourth world has discovered how “our” modern world works. And by figuring out how they can make our style look like burning hell (based on their lectures through centuries) they have adapted. Steadily raised their ever lasting chaos into our living rooms. But, you have a choice. You can either act or witnessing our society slowly founder or respond and inspire me to spread my views all over the world. I wish to continue reflecting until sanity has settled as steadily as Cecil`s heart finally gave up.

As surely as you turn to your child looking for a smile I tell you; Nothing of what you witnessing today through global media will become better if you stay silent. Myself I am very soon finished with my fourth book within the field of leadership, named Indicium. It will be my last trying to convince leaders how to most effectively orchestrate their organizations. And the reason why I know, is cause I tell them how I interpret the overall conditions of life. And this formula will scare the shit of them. Avoid  these topics or hide deeper into their lies or even quit their work. Cause life Is wonderful. Life is everything we can wish for. And most of us deny this by walking around as if we have unlimited access to time. We don’t.

I end this last “kind” blog by stating: If all of us promise ourselves to meet everyone with an open heart within the next week . Just tries to embrace their beauty without a judgemental eye. I promise you, you will have more smiles directed upon you than you can remember. And when I kick off next weeks subject; how to undress Einstein`s theories, you will think; – who the fuck does he think he is.? Well, I am wise enough, naturally powerful and honest enough for making all of you,.. connect with yourself.

Stay Healthy.