Dear Reader.

Like Ronald Reagan I love everyone & everything. Well, as long as people agree and things looks good. Being sarcastic? Think not. I am worse.

Happy recipe: No religious influence. No weapons. No sickness. No low self-esteem. With health. With education. With patience & freedom of speech nothing can go wrong. No preconceptions and life is almost perfect.

There was a time when sublime manipulation hardly existed in our society. Any specific reason(?). Well, mainly cause of no internet, no mobiles. When people succumb to this ongoing war of minds they tend to get worried, frustrated or plain stupid. This I decline furiously firing away: Everybody Got To Learn Sometime.

Linguistic points?                                                                                                              Words alone can`t loose posture. Just read and feel. Reading evolving into anger and something is off balance. Read and needing to act physically and you are lost. Making yourself explosively guilty. Cause life is short and death for sure. Key is choice. Better not waste time on any dry feminist, ugly dictator, black houses, toilets in Mumbai, learning Swahili or play cricket.

You don`t know anyone until you have spend some time together on a melting ice block. Most people are,… boring. Seems ignorant not looking backwards, presently indecisive & disqualified estimating the future. That’s why the modern soul is burning inside. There is a new eager generation searching for success in seconds. Who am I? What to do and why this.., responsibility? Luck is so.., over valued with lotto profits soon in all orgasms. But, as my father said, “everyone deserves a chance”, then adding, -“shut up”. -“reboot”. -“sit on your hands“. -“CLOSE THE DOOR or you have a stick up your ass”?. Well dad, love is chemical. No harm done.



If You are Chinese, deal with it. If You are bald., practical. Afro Americans runs faster than white trash. Fucking is actually lethal and there is no IKEA in North Korea. Only waking up is a challenge. Expressing yourself in a foreign language, trying finding a smooth pronunciation. Frustrating. Doesn’t mean you don’t like it, its about maintenance. Inviting relatives for dinner & raising children. It`s all a trade. And expecting “giving away your heart” to another homo sapiens can be more brutal than surfing. Floating up and down on oceans of passion and lose balance needing to climb back up again. The trick living life is looking forward. For understanding it, viewing backwards.

I am not happy cause I am born on a peaceful spot. I am not happy cause I am imprisoned in a Aryan body. I am not happy cause my mojo shines. I am happy when I feel individuals sharing joy on a scale where laughter smoothly settles into silent smiles. Feeling these rare flares when sense turns into spiritual insanity. When fun steps aside cause love burns so intense that all ancestors within dares to surface. Then I am happy.

Life in a box is a ever lasting drama for those choosing to feel. A comedy for thinkers. Nobody can really appreciate any of it without pain and looses. I lost my future a long time ago. Glowing ideas, companies, friends, family, prestige & a hole country. I stayed alive thanks to education & discipline. Became a soul warrior in fields of social & religious behaviorism. Therefore I partly understand suicide bombers. Relate to them thinking they do their bang act for the right reason. Although I have to disappoint Abdul. He explodes for the wrong one. True wisdom demands time drained in patience which is missing in their mix. Otherwise they would present their flash in more attractive light. And, who reads more than two books in a region where decapitacion is a weekend show? Guess in hell only the devil is a visionary.

I am not much for veining. Prefer more constructive liquid. Even if its not rewarding, its more appealing. I mean, look at these emotions. Interesting for a cold soul. Passionate hate seems to give so much sense & purpose for empty souls. Gives perspectives for staying positive. Its not enough thinking you are God just because your dog insist. Finally It all comes down to hard core. Wonder how people would react if a group of hippies blew up the Federal Bank System?

Social misconceptions is shaped both by the Bible as well as the Quran. Strange tradition leaving for Paradise in a hearse. Wishing for a group of virgins in heaven(?). Not less twisted. But, searching for the truth should not be an easy business cause half of them are mistakes. As a philosopher you need to be equipped looking for a black cat in a dark room. Then suffer hearing these fanatic megalomaniac theologians doing the same claiming they have found the pussy.


Only the weak should be feared. Myself I have chosen to settle down in the most beautiful part of Europe. Close to the warmest heart I have ever felt, the Spanish Corazon. Here I get happy only breathing. Ready disturbing my critics like a full blown terrorist. This decay not only to the wealthy. All religious square heads should not feel safe. My provocative fingers will probably even twist the driest communist tweet. I am here for protecting the last linguistics from radicals having taken Kalashnikov to the streets. These narrow minded ants represents real anti-Semitism from racist marshlands. Besides these hairballs the ones that also should have a heart attack yesterday is ofcourse the Zionists. Continuously spreading their global shit within all western governments. They should really have a stick up their ass.

Besides all crap life can be wonderfulIts soon time for “el clasico”. The battle of the season in happy land. A homophobic game proving year after year that kicking balls gives more pleasure than praying. If your not religious.

Be brave. Spray me around.

Stay Healthy


Dear Reader,

This weekend I will deliver the most efficient “quick fix“. A theory dealing with current terror wave poisoning Europe. And please, stay pragmatic. No emotion, read and breath,.. calmly. Cause, things will not get better.

France has the largest community of radical muslims. Official statistics. France participates bombing targets in Iraq & Syria supposably hosting these hysterical sandmen. That pisses people off regardless of hair color.


The United States of Error and all the rest of Nations (except major parts of Asia & the South American continent) are poisoned by the families controlling the hidden agenda; new world order (known by the few). So, trying to exterminate the Zionist structure is a difficult task. And that’s why ISIS becomes more desperate fighting western decadence. Today there is only one sovereign nation powerful enough to deal with the final solution Russia.

Putin`s State has no attachment to the Zionist`s. They cleaned out these evil elements already pre-Second World War. But, with the recent bomb explosion unboard a Russian flight over Egypt, these sandmen have pushed their willingly trigger hands into the wrong cookie jar. Wow, if life were this easy. Unleash, the Russian bear and the problem is gone by Christmas.

Nato (which is the only political tool available) has no real interest demolishing ISIS. They still bite Bashar in his ass, and Assad is the last titan down there resisting Israel. Once he is gone the jew`s has succeeded. That’s why nobody cares. Cause Obama is supervised by the interests of Israel. A real laimed duck. The ones suffering is the Syrians running for their life`s. Swimming over the Mediterranean Sea. Riding trains over Europe. Packed like sardines in buses humiliated by more men in uniforms. Holding on to their blind journey towards a prosperous future. Loosing their loved ones for a cold winter.

Short version. Give Putin free hands to exterminate ISIS. Give Putin free hands reinstalling a new regime in Syria. With only one stipulation – No Jews. Then a peaceful Europe would be regained before Chinese new year. And the Americans can continue focusing on their election year. In shame, having caused this present terror.

Today I had planned to tell you a story about the old wild hare (jackrabbit) but Paris came in between. Although, I will mention some of it. Last millennium I lived in the North of(Sweden) where I had a beautiful little red wooden house in nature. With huge Forrest`s areas surrounding the property there was a lot of animals around. One night after a Sauna, old style, with real fire heating the chimney until around one hundred degrees I was resting on the lawn outside. From nowhere a huge hare (jackrabbit) suddenly stepped into a area of fine cut green grass. He was a tall runner with big long ears. Dark brownish fur. I assumed it was a he cause of the way he looked at me, seriously. Having a beautiful summer evening with reddish sunlight sweeping over the tree tops we were both silent in peace. Just sitting there, together.


My children were already sleeping inside and I felt no hurry. I therefore stayed as long as needed. A wild, huge, mega rabbit was sitting two meters away from me, by it´s own free will. Magic. I didn’t want to speculate more. After having spoken a little bit about how difficult it could be being a good father I felt that we understood each other. When it finally became totally dark but still warm temperature I decided to end the evening and went to sleep.

Early next morning before anyone was up I went to see if he was still around. I found Jack lying flat on the green grass, peaceful & dead. After spending some time sitting beside him I realized that I was chosen. He had chosen me for spending his last time not risking getting killed by an enemy. I felt so honored filled with grace for decays. As I do now when I realize you have read my report.

Final note: Sweden has recently received over thirty thousand motherless immigrant boys from Syria & Afghanistan (age 13-21years). Their compatibility is zero to the Nordic emotional as well as nature elements. Imagen what they are able doing when eight of them did what they did in Paris, Friday the 13th of November 2015. If any time, now is the time to review the pedagogics within the educational system.

Stay Healthy



Dear Reader.

Before I unleash quite stressful arguments undressing the glory of this western monster twisting in vain, I give you a brief background.

I grew up admiring the United States of America. At that time no nation offered the same vibrant field of dreams. Also knowing that I belonged to a breed not needing to show up for being a member offered mesmerizing times. Feeling this compulsory creativeness not big enough turning on itself was better than drugs. Bear in mind that this was only hours after the debacle in Vietnam ended.


Visual ambassadors like John Wayne, Burt Lancaster & Steve McQueen did their best sparkling lies through motion pictures. And as a boy these shows were as deceiving as believing that girls like Beyoncé or Lady Gaga brings lyrics for real.

Like I told my Children it all boils down to the individual. Regardless of biological origin, religious preferences or nationality, people feel when things are wrong. Has nothing to do with skin color or any stigmatic believe systems. Look at Uncle Sam. They act on a constitution from 1787. The civil war is long gone but those frozen stigmas still rules. These people just don’t know when to stop. But, after all they are my descendants. So, shame on me.

Immigrants now runs amok all over Europe. Terror states in north Africa and the middle east has lost their reason. All dictators almost gone and nobody knows who pays for what(?). So, chaos is implemented according to plan. Cause you didn’t think for a minute that this turmoil wasn’t orchestrated.?

There is always a finger behind every trigger. Forces never wishing to be connected. Instead gladly burning ambitions in both ends, inspired by fear.


All my life I have searched for reasons. Culturally shaped in peaceful landscapes of Scandinavia. I am therefore truly not a fan of blame games. But, time changes. And that’s why I have decided to shear my view. Ignorance is flushed upon us with such furiosity today that its no longer healthy to stay silent. If appreciated, follow me on wordpress.

Year 2015 free Global media is only memories replaced by ziomatric interests (=locked power lines between media, finance & politics), controlled by Zionist Jewish extremists (owners of CNN, Time Warner, The New Yorker, Goldman Sachs & the Federal Bank., -the list goes on…). On this level there is no such thing as “luck“.

I was as hopeful as the rest when Barack was elected only shortly after finding out that Goldman Sachs (GS) was his biggest sponsor (*already glued to criminals). GS is single handedly responsible for the financial meltdown back in 2008. A scam never seen before, literary above the law. Worse than ten Marc Rich & Bernie Madoff`s scandals. Protected by people like Mary Schapiro & Jeff Zucker nurged by the same ziomatric group.

United States is soon a lost case. This happens when immigration has no boarders. Sooner rather than later these models implodes. Then cartoons like Donald Trump becomes a serious candidate for the Presidency of the United States. A horror movie blinded by the American dream – life is all about winning. So ignorant, so aggressive. Or, so he thought?

Sixty million people is currently running away from their homes. A catastrophe planned by interests with only one purpose, creating fear. Initiate frustration, growing into hate, culminating into killing. An escalating drama by the few controlling the many – The Kohanim elite. These forces has poisoned this testosterone monster. Through deceiving lies and unlimited economical resources bribed the Representatives of the “declaration of independence” team.

This great nation founded by European white Catholicism is now raped by Zionist Jewish extremistsTrue Freedom of speech died with Franklin D. Roosevelt. Present frustration is best described by the evening news – violence. In times like this rhetorics between intellectuals raises rapidly. Clear signs of despair when thinkers loosing their composure. And average people collapses committing hateful crimes. Simply loosing their minds.

The Arabic spring was thought to be a slow start into a third world war. Forcing people fleeing for their life`s creating the illusion of a WW chaos in Global media streams. Setting old European structures on fire. Pushing civilized countries into national turbulence. And then reflecting this Armageddon through the same OC groups (organized criminals, CNN, Abc, CBS & Fox News) that initiated it from the beginning. Making more money than ever reporting from these new war zones. Like a best seller overlooked by a nefarian named Aviv Nevo nobody has heard of.


Try to Be open minded. The Zionists don’t need money. They make them. Out of nothing the non gentiles have nothing better to do than play world wide domination. (US present debt; 18,514,595,740,000 dollar). Its never been about the Americans. They prefer sitting on a horse somewhere in nature, peacefully. The cold fact is that United States is politically high jacked and slowly turning into a secret terrorist state. Running errands for the State of Israel (Mossad).

I believe strongly in free culture expansion. As I said earlier, it`s all about the individual. People developing traditions within certain demographics enjoyed through centuries by their forefathers. North America is all about immigrants. That’s never been the root for the last decays of international abuse. After the second world war Israel got their piece in the middle of the Arabic spring. Since then the Zionists (the political branch of Jewishness) has gradually & consciously acted according to a clear strategy. Never aloud history to repeat itself with the support of their own invention; the atomic bomb.

I can understand this concern. Who doesn’t want to defend their race.? But, what concerns me is the fact that they through history (2000year period) acted under false predictions. Claiming that only Jews are the chosen people. I mean, for sure you get enemies then. And on top of that have the nerve aggressively acting on this notion under false name – like me.

Stay Healthy